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Error in adding Secure Certificate | Forum

Surendra Feb 22 '13
I have added secure hosting and secure certificate, but the script is not working  and getting 404 errors for other pages. Also unable to signin and captcha is not loading
Alia Team
Alia Feb 25 '13
Surendra, check error logs located on your server.

Usually 404 error is caused by:
1. settings of .htaccess file
2. server settings.

So it is a good idea to check with your hosting company as well.

Alia Team
Alia Feb 25 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Surendra Feb 27 '13
I am getting this error due to url structure.  Only is working for main page(https://www.mydomain.com) and no other page is working.

I have contacted my hosting company, they gave response stating that the script I am using is unsecure. So, don't know what to do, just removed that ssl certificate. It's working fine with

The Forum post is edited by Surendra Feb 27 '13