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Contact Plugin | Forum

Rodney Feb 23 '13
The contact plugin is not sending emails. Anyone had this problem?


Alia Team
Alia Feb 26 '13

Emails are not being sent? Are there any errors?
Or the plugin says that email was sent, but you never receive it?

1. Make sure that you have configured the plugin itself.

2. Make sure that email you have specified within the plugin is correct and is working.

3. Are you using SMTP?

4. Is CRON working on your site?

5. Only emails sent through "Contact Us" plugin are not coming?

Rodney Feb 26 '13
Plugin says email sent. But never receive it.  No errors.
I configured the plugin with two email addresses
Not using SMTP
I assume CRON is running, online users update. I even did it manually.
Just emails in Contact Us.
Login Email verify works.

Alia Team
Alia Mar 5 '13
Rodney, can you try using one email only. Test with the email that is not connected to your domain name.  For example, if you have gmail account try testing with it.