Are you
seeing QuickBooks Error Code 2002
and don't know what to do? Well, we're here for you. This section will guide
you through the correct steps to eliminate QuickBooks error
code 2002. Such an error can occur if you or another user attempts
to create a new data file, but the creation fails for some reason due to a
payroll issue. If you use QuickBooks Payroll, you may be asked to enter a PIN.
Error 2002 can occur if you enter the wrong PIN. Scroll through this segment to
know the correct steps to eliminate QuickBooks Error 2002. However, if you are
not interested in performing the steps manually, please contact our technical
staff through our hotline number +1-800-360-4183.
Below we
have listed some methods that can effectively help you to get rid of error
Method 1:
Re-entering the correct PIN
Method 2:
Make use of the QuickBooks File
Doctor Tool
Method 3:
Use the repair utility
Method 4:
Restart the QuickBooks Database Manager service on the server computer
Method 5:
Repair QuickBooks
Method 6:
Clear the cache