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Transfer travel funds to vacation package | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
maegan briones
maegan briones Dec 26 '23
I was trying to book a southwest vacation package for August. I had some travels funds  for myself and my husband that I wanted to apply/transfer to purchase the vacation package. I was able to apply the travel funds for my husband but I was not able to transfer the travel funds for myself. I was told that since I have two last names that the computer was not able recongize my credentials and would not allow me or the rep to apply/transfer the travel funds to the purchase. I requested to speak to a supervisor but I was not granted my request. I was on the phone with the Southwest rep for 1hr 30minutes. The rep was trying her best to help but I she was not allow to solve my problem. Can someone please advise me on what to do. This is VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!  
Jeremy Blake
Jeremy Blake Dec 26 '23
Keep in mind that Southwest Vacations is NOT Southwest Airlines, they are two different companies and you can read for yourself the many, many reports of issues dealing with Southwest Vacations.  I and others here would recommend you not use Southwest Vacations.  If you insist on using them then you are stuck with the service you have already gotten a taste of.  If you decide you want to book the flight directly through Southwest Airlines they should not have an issue getting the travel fund applied to your reservation.
Rajesh Rajpo
Rajesh Rajpo Dec 26 '23
Ugh, technology, right? Anyway, I had a somewhat similar situation when planning a golf vacation last year. Long story short, the system didn't recognize my details either. Crazy! But here's a workaround I stumbled upon - try reaching out to Southwest via social media. Sometimes they're quicker to respond, and you might get a more personalized solution. Worked for me! Speaking of vacations, have you ever considered golf getaways? I found this amazing site, www.chakatravel.com, that has some fantastic options worldwide. They even helped me plan my dream golf trip to Scotland! Maybe worth checking out while you navigate the Southwest maze.