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Sweden, the star of the left wing immigration policy | Forum

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maegan briones
maegan briones Dec 26 '23
Or maybe not quite.....

Sweden gangs: PM summons army chief after surge in killings

I'll leave you all to read the pros and cons but simply Sweden is paying a penalty for it's many years of love of immigrants. A comment from the article Police have linked the violence to poor integration of immigrants, a widening gap between rich and poor and drug use. Which is quite sad as in even after all these problems theyare trying to deflect where the problems are coming from.

Swedish PM says integration of immigrants has failed, fueled gang crime.

we have had a large immigration. Society has been too weak, resources for the police and social services have been too weak,"

Britain is way worse but hey, can't say anything because (insert whatever you want here) upsets the Nobbys of this world.


Alex Marks
Alex Marks Dec 26 '23
I had to google fox trot net.

Smell of izslam.

Ra wa Majid is seen as a major player.

Military will be involved if authorities suspect terrorist activity.

I vote for go in fast and go in hard.

Eliminate/Exterminate the problem.
Then contemplate involuntary sterilisation as 'mopping up'.
The Forum post is edited by Alex Marks Dec 26 '23
Claudette Leanna
Claudette Leanna Dec 26 '23
Well, it's undeniable that immigration policies can have complex consequences, and Sweden has indeed faced challenges. It's essential to address issues like integration, income inequality, and drug-related problems that can arise.
Similar debates exist in many countries, including the UK. It's crucial to have open discussions and find balanced solutions. While the situations may differ, they all involve finding ways to ensure a harmonious society.
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