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dev mode | Forum

Rodney Feb 25 '13
when I change the base.css of a theme do I have to set the dev mode to true so the changes take effect?
Bobby Feb 25 '13
Editing the file and then re-uploading (FTP) - yes
Editing css from Admin Page - no
Rodney Feb 25 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from Rodney do I have to set the dev mode to true so the changes take effect?

Yes. Advised in all cases.
Dean L
Dean L Feb 26 '13
Yeah, I've had problems before by not enabling Dev mode when changing CSS - Probably worth doing in both cases.
Rodney Feb 26 '13
dev mode is slow so I just make the same change in the base theme css file and the static base theme css. Much faster. I have a copy of both original css files for backup.
