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Donamix Feb 26 '13
Alright i just wanted you all to know so that you won't fall in the same thing i did, so i downloaded the wiki plugin, it had some bugs, broken images. ratings not working, and you can't change the page title or URL.

I tried to contact the plugin developer Pual, 

Sadly, when i told him about these bugs he couldn't fix them the only way to run was blocking me, he blocked me from contacting him.

He even asked for my hosting details to, to change the url and page title, after 3 days has  passed, he didn't do anything about it.

so when i tried to contact me again, he blocked me.

There was a user on here at the forum he helped me fix the rating issue

Pual thinks he was the one who did it, after he has blocked me. he updated the wiki pluigin, i saw an update for the wiki on my plugins page.

After i updated the plugin, the same issue is back rating stopped working again

BIG FAIL PUAL! I'm deleting this plugin..

The Forum post is edited by Donamix Feb 26 '13
SL Feb 26 '13
If you are referring to the User Wiki plugin by Paul
as far as
I know, this plugin is a free (no support for custom modification, etc).
You should try to upload its own without help....

Rating working if you follow the instruction here:
but it seems to have been updated by PauL
The Forum post is edited by SL Feb 26 '13
Unique Feb 26 '13

Quote from Donamix and you can't change the page title or URL.

If you want to change title/URL you have to know the code....(custom modification and no support of this)

think paul can change/fix according to your wishes
but maybe he was not having the time or being busy. so you can not sue paul. unless you have paid
The Forum post is edited by Unique Feb 26 '13
SL Feb 26 '13
you are encouraged to report if you have found any bug and wait patiently until the plugin can be corrected. Remember!!! this plugin is FREE

The Forum post is edited by SL Feb 26 '13
Dean L
Dean L Feb 27 '13
Paul has a busy family life and is also studying at university. I'm sure, given time, he'd deal with your requests. Mention it on the plugin support section and wait for a reply... Works for the rest of us.
Donamix Feb 27 '13
No thank you, I already gave him the time, and my Hosting info.

He didn't do anything, i wonder why did he ask for my info then..

Anyways, i've deleted that plugin.. I'm happy now!

cit27 Feb 27 '13
maybe he'll fix for u when he was not busy, so he asked for your host info....
Unique Feb 28 '13

Quote from Donamix No thank you, I already gave him the time, and my Hosting info.

He didn't do anything, i wonder why did he ask for my info then..

Anyways, i've deleted that plugin.. I'm happy now!

one of user who use free plugin but do not have the patience and gratitude