I am wondering how many "errors" are related to bugs in software instead of errors in hosts/settings/files etc.
I know I have a good few what I thought were errors but turned out to be host settings.
I am only mentioning because I feel the software is stable, I have had little or no issues installing it on a host but on my local it is tricky so I know it is my settings that are the problem.
The main question is why do developers choose to use certain methods for site code where others done.
eg: I have had joomla, e107, wordpress and a few others working on my local box but ox is the first to give me some trouble.
So either ox is complicated, I am incompetent, or something else.
I still like OXWALL. It is the nicest/closest thing to ning out there that has been a breeeze to work with. I am glad I installed it and my users love it!