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htaccess files | Forum

Rodney Mar 4 '13
First should I have a htaccess file is my ow_cron folder?  Is there a way rewrite all the htaccess files to allow everything?  When my pictures were not showing I  changed the name of the htaccess file in the ow_userfiles to .oldhtaccess and now I can see pictures.  I think a lot of the problems I am having on my site and with my cron job is the htaccess files. When I tried to run my ow_cron/run.php file via browser it would not work unless I changed my root htaccess file name to oldhtaccess but then my site would not work right. So I changed the htaccess file back.  This is weird..  As of now I can not search forum posts but I can post new ones, edit them and read them and they show on the newsfeed but I can't search the forum.  It says No Posts. Help!
Matthew D Zavoras
Matthew D Zavoras Mar 4 '13
Sounds like a .htaccess is not written correctly. When you did .oldhtaccess it just voided out the problem rather then fixed it. Example of writing .htaccess for allow all is here.  (I would not suggest to do this however).
Also can you not add a cron job via your hosting panel? Here is what my .htaccess has in it within ow_userfiles:

Options All -Indexes

The Forum post is edited by Matthew D Zavoras Mar 4 '13
Rodney Mar 4 '13
I put this in my ow_userfiles .htaccess

Satisfy Any
Allow from all

Should I add your to the bottom of mine? and is your -Indexes or - Indexes with a space?

Matthew D Zavoras
Matthew D Zavoras Mar 4 '13
What I showed you is by default from oxwall. You can if you want add it. But I don't see any need to since mine works fine and didn't touch it.

-Indexes no space
The Forum post is edited by Matthew D Zavoras Mar 4 '13
Rodney Mar 4 '13
what does your htaccess file say in ow_plugins?


Matthew D Zavoras
Matthew D Zavoras Mar 4 '13
deny from all
Rodney Mar 4 '13

Alia Team
Alia Mar 5 '13
Rodney, seems like your hosting limits execution of some rules listed in .htaccess file. I recommend contacting your server support.
Rodney Mar 5 '13
Matthew, I tried your Options All -Indexes and it would not show pictures for anything, I had to use

Satisfy Any
Allow from all