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France Talent Passport program | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Stefan Feb 6 '24
How does one qualify as a "talented" individual under the France Talent Passport program? What is the application process for it?
Daniela Rich
Daniela Rich Feb 7 '24
The application process usually involves providing comprehensive documentation of one's accomplishments, including but not limited to, awards, publications, patents, or professional affiliations. For a more detailed understanding of the qualification criteria and application process, I recommend referring to the article at https://www.yourharlow.com/2024/01/15/france-talent-passport-requirements-and-application/ titled "France Talent Passport: Requirements And Application." It offers valuable insights into the program's requirements and guidelines, helping prospective applicants navigate the application process successfully.
Natalie Johnson
Natalie Johnson Feb 7 '24
To qualify as a "talented" individual under the France Talent Passport program, applicants must showcase remarkable skills or expertise in their chosen field. This could entail demonstrating significant achievements, contributions, or recognition in areas such as arts, sciences, entrepreneurship, or technology. 
MatthewMorgan Nov 19 '24
To obtain an EU passport through the Company Global Citizen Pass, the process involves investing in a qualifying business venture that grants citizenship benefits. The Global Citizen Pass offers an expedited pathway for global investors seeking European Union residency and citizenship. Applicants must meet specific investment thresholds, including contributing to economic growth or establishing businesses within an EU country. By fulfilling these criteria For detailed guidance on how to get started with the Company Global Citizen Pass visit https://newsdirect.ng/how-to-get-eu-passport-with-company-global-citizen-pass/ investors can apply for citizenship and, eventually, an EU passport.