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Update Facebook Connect Plugin [Bug not confirmed] | Forum

Omari Mar 9 '13
can someone please add the newest facebook connect plugin (the one compatible with version 1.51) to the oxwall store. Thanks
The Forum post is edited by Alia Mar 19 '13
MarkieMark67 Mar 9 '13
current  Facebook  connect works just fine with 1.51
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Mar 10 '13
you may need to check your facebook ap, normally just saving it sorts out any problems.
Den Team
Den Mar 13 '13
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
Alia Team
Alia Mar 19 '13
Omari, we always update our plugins ( if they need to be updated). So all current plugins that are in the store and that were developed by Oxwall, should work with the latest version of the platform.
Omari Mar 19 '13
yup my bad i did a reinstall through simple scripts and it went back to 1.41. had to update after. my mistake