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Can't seem to change the background of newsfeed to an image. - Newsfeed | Forum

Ian Michael Carson
Ian Michael Carson Mar 13 '13
I have found the section in the CSS that I want to edit for the background of the news feed.

body ul.ow_newsfeed {}

I can add a color to the background but when trying with different images it will not work.  What would stop it from working with images if it can take a color background?

Any help would be appreciated.


Alia Team
Alia May 17 '13
Ian, sorry for the late reply.
Works for me.

1. Add needed image in www.yoursitename.com/admin/theme/graphics
2. Copy the URL of uploaded image
3. In "Edit Css" section add following styles:

body ul.ow_newsfeed {
        padding: 0px;
     background-image: url(http://pasteimagesurlhere);


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