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Error 500 in oficial website http://www.oxwall.org [Solved] | Forum

Esmoof Mar 14 '13
You who are the developers of this platform and you have properly configured the server, the scripts and the execution times of these. We see every day error 500 in your official website. There is a problem with your server each user, but you is happening to you. You have to work on this, please investigate to fix.
It is the first step to explain and give the solution to what is happening to us all users.

Best regards
The Forum post is edited by Alia Mar 19 '13
  OXWALL.org_error500.png (23.87Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Mar 14 '13
Francisco, on which page were you at when you got this error?
If this happened on the Oxwall Store then we have already fixed this: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/9497

SL Mar 14 '13
I got the same experience.....whe open the oxwall store...(sometime error and sometime not)

Esmoof Mar 14 '13
Oxwall team is working to fix this? I read that a team member is going to solve in this link Aliia. With this fix all the mistakes we have all 500 users in our social networks.A breakthrough for all users :)! We hope that will be resolved soon
Alia Team
Alia Mar 19 '13
Francisco, the  500 error on Store was already fixed.

500 error is just a "cover" of the real error.  And the real error, in turn, is caused by a whole bunch of different reasons. Usually incorrect installation, custom code modifications or update. It is  not possible to provide a general fix that could have worked for all errors. So depending on the real error, site admin needs to apply different fixes.

The error in the Store you have faced appears only in the store at oxwall.org, since "Store" is not part of the standard Oxwall installation. So,  you don't have to worry. Causes of the error are in the root of our site (oxwall.org) only, and not in Oxwall as a software.