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User Credits? - User Credits | Forum

Joseph Mar 15 '13
Okay so let me start off by saying that I am new to the oxwall community. Let me also say that I LOVE OXWALL!!! It is by far one of my favorite social scripts on the web. So let me get to my question. I have been using plugins for my website for a couple of weeks now and today I decided to buy user credits because I could see it being profitable for my website. So I was wondering if it was possible to reverse the role of earning credits and make it so that the user loses a certain amount of credits each time they do something like losing 1 credit if they comment on a post. I was wondering if this was possible... you know to promote purchase of credits. I was just wondering if that was possible.

Thanks so much :)
Bazzabingbong Mar 16 '13
This functionality is available Joseph, when you go into the settings page of the plugin and scroll to the bottom, you will find you can make users lose credits for some actions.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
You could put the value in negative for losing credits. 1 for getting credits and -1 for losing credits.
Joseph Mar 16 '13
Oh my god.... why did I never think of putting a negative sign *Face palm*
Thanks for your help guys It is greatly appreciated.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Welcome :)
Den Team
Den Mar 19 '13
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
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