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Bugs ? - Oxwall Reminder | Forum

Francis Mar 17 '13
Hi Purus !

I have bought your plug-in yesterday, for me all was ok!

But today, a member say me have received 20 mail this afternoon on his inactivity! Woaww :-/

I have setting this one by:
Inactive dans: 5
Days between each CRON job: 1

Do you think the problem can come from my server, because my CRON job working only each 7 minutes (Time limit for my server), is it possible make the trouble?

I don ´t use smtp fonction.

2) the member, who report me the problem, has forward me the mail, and i see that my email is not the good ...
My correct email is: admin@exemple.com, and in the mail is become admin+1@exemple.com ... Why?

Can you Help me ?


Purusothaman Ramanujam
Another member had this issue too and it was due to the cron issue and improper cron command.

Can you share the screenshot of your plugin settings via PM?
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Aug 22 '13
We have the same issue  please let us know how this can be fixed
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Aug 22 '13
also ever think of adding a email to be sent to members when they get a email on the site, that tends to be a little bit more important then friends requests and keeps members on the site.Just a suggestion since most community scripts have that worked into their script
Purusothaman Ramanujam

It's always due to the cron running issues only. Please PM me more details.
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