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Please, i beg! Can i get a no nonsense cron guide. please. [Answered] | Forum

Jayden Mar 20 '13
ok i did that SSH thingy and found out the PHP is in usr/bin.  ok, so um what do I do with that information. The guide said replacing. What do I replace? where, how, with what? thanks. I think my cron run every 28 days, how do i get it down to a minute. thanks
The Forum post is edited by Alia Mar 25 '13
Jayden Mar 21 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam

If you are on cpanel, you will have a section for cron in the cpanel.


Over there, you can add you cron command to run every minute.

Goran Mar 21 '13
in cpanel - cron job you can add command

php /home/user/public_html/domain.com/ow_cron/run.php >/dev/null 2>&1

it works for me :) 

Jayden Mar 22 '13
sweet, I think I did it. thanks guys.
The Forum post is edited by Jayden Mar 23 '13