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Extremely sluggish even with only one user logged on [Answered] | Forum

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Mar 21 '13
I set up hosting based upon your recommendation with Arvixe and installed your software using their cPanel.   I used the basic plugins that came with it and purchased just a couple more and bought the Facebook deluxe theme.   

Now that I have started things up and have been advertising it I find that it is so sluggish that it is more or less unusable.  Needless to say this is very frustrating.

The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 3 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Do you have enabled Anti-spam plugin? IF so disable it and try.


If that does not help, please disable the plugins one-by-one and see which plugin is making your site to be slow.

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Mar 22 '13
I tried most of  that already but it may be an issue with the hosting company and they are working on it.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Mar 22 '13
I chose Arvixe because Oxwall recommended it.  Is there a hosting company where you KNOW that it works?   How hard is it to move an existing Oxwall installation to a different hosting company?

Unless I can get this working I will have to give up on Arvixe or Oxwall or both.

The Forum post is edited by Steve Winter Mar 22 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Mar 23 '13
It looks like Arvixe should NEVER have been recommended as a host for Oxwall.  Apparently their "hosting" is very limited and throttled.

How does one edit the main page to allow guests to only view certain things?  For example I don't want guests to be able to view the users 


The Forum post is edited by Steve Winter Mar 23 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Mar 24 '13
I moved to Hostforweb and the problems have disappeared.  The problems at Arvixe were apparently due to very limited CPU and a few other things.  Arvixe should never have been recommended as a host for Oxwall in my opinion.   When their tech support or qa whatever told me that the CPU usage for my account reached 100% (so they had throttled it in so many words) I knew that I needed to move.   Now all of this was with less than 20 users and most of the time only ONE logged in (me).

Love Oxwall and love Purusothaman Ramanujam's plugins.

Alia Team
Alia Mar 25 '13

>>How does one edit the main page to allow guests to only view certain things?  For example I don't want guests to be able to view the users

Currently this kind of setting doesn't exist withing the admin panel or within widget's settings.
This can be done via custom code modification only.

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Mar 25 '13
Quote from Aliia Steve,

>>How does one edit the main page to allow guests to only view certain things?  For example I don't want guests to be able to view the users

Currently this kind of setting doesn't exist withing the admin panel or within widget's settings.
This can be done via custom code modification only.

I would think that would be available as it would protect the privacy of the members from non-members.  Now I had to make a choice to expose the membership to the world or make the whole thing totally private.

Thank you,


Alia Team
Alia Mar 28 '13
Steve, just thought that I will give more detailed answer regarding privacy settings in Oxwall.

1. Site admin can make the site invisible to guest users. This can be done in admin panel>>Privacy&Permissions>>Global Privacy. Option is called "Guests can view the site": yes, no, with password. This setting is applied sitewide.

2. Oxwall offers "Privacy" plugin. You can download it from the store. Once the plugin is installed, your site users will get a "Privacy" tab under "My Preferences" ( can be found within the drop down menu of the top right console in 1.5.x versions of Oxwall). Under this tab user himself can select which content he would like to be private/public ( available options: only me, everybody, friends only). So if, for example I have set my photos to be visible to friends only, those photos will not be visible to users who are not my friends. Which means that guest users won't be able to see these photos as well.  Same applies to other user content.

3. And finally you can use "User roles" feature to restrict guest/users from seeing/doing certain content/actions. Go to admin panel>>Privacy&Permissions>>roles. There you can set what kind of things user with "Guest" role can or can't do. For example: search users ( yes/no), view profiles (yes/no) and etc.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Mar 28 '13
There is no way to turn off the guests ability to view the recent users or all users.  I already have the privacy plugin and it is great, but it does not allow to hide from guests without hiding from valid members.  Also new users would not have a clue about it.



The Forum post is edited by Steve Winter Mar 28 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 1 '13
I found a very good host with "caring" support  for my Oxwall and even made a link   http://tinyurl.com/happyhosting  and I believe the code oxwall will generate a nice discount.
The Forum post is edited by Steve Winter Apr 1 '13