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WTH is wrong with my site | Forum

Joseph Mar 21 '13
so my issues started a few days ago with auto newsfeed I installed it and it didnt work so I consulted the developer and my server tech well my server tech says its a permission problems and that I don't know much about servers well I compared each file to my other oxwall site which works and fixed all permissions these sites are identical and yet my one site cant use auto newsfeed I think its a server issue but mayeb I'm missing something let me know your thoughts guys
Joseph Mar 23 '13
ok well Paul as you know I have sent you my info just let me know when you want to have a look
Joseph Mar 23 '13
ok they should be sent to your inbox I hope there is a way to fix it its not making sense to me I know I am not the most skilled at this but after checking everything I can think of other than maybe the sites not writing correctly to the db I am lost to a solution
Den Team
Den Mar 29 '13
Topic was moved from General Chat.