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One link content two links [Bug not verified. Issue with browser] | Forum

D.S Mar 24 '13
Strange but real...

hi everyone,

my problem is: I have two link in one link... i explain myself:

since yesterday, i looked for why my  "dashboard" link is bigger than the others, on firefox, google chrome, comodo dragon. and i found why with firebug, there is a small link into my box link of dashboard... which go to www.mywebsite.com. if it's just this, no problem. but on IE, the are 2 lines of menu because of this link. one there is the link but no text and the other is the menu

so i tried:

- change the first page with an another tab (dont work)

- diplay: none !important with CSS: .ow_main_menu li a[href="http://mywebsite.com/"]

- margin, padding, height, width: 0px !important

==> the two CSS solutions works for  firefox, google chrome, comodo dragon and the link disappear but not on IE, it still the two lines of menu (with one there is nothing, only the link)

- i looked for everywhere for this link... js... php...html (components/controllers/views) nothing at all

I think this link is automatically generated by oxwall to return on home page... but here, i don't need this links

In which file can I find the HTML menu ? or $main_menu?

Edit: there is no problem with IE 10... only with my IE9

The Forum post is edited by Alia Mar 28 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Can you share some screenshot?
D.S Mar 24 '13

this link going to home


===> google chrome

D.S Mar 25 '13
where can I find the HTML code for $main_menu to remove this link?


Alia Team
Alia Mar 26 '13
D.S, can you send a screen shot of what you have in admin panel>>pages&menus>>pages&menus  and html source of the menu items ( right mouse click>>page source).
D.S Mar 27 '13
very good idea... the link is not in the source page on IE... maybe a problem with my IE...

always problem with IE...

thank you very much, like alwways
Alia Team
Alia Mar 28 '13