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Convert a QuickBooks Desktop for Windows file to QuickBooks Desktop for Mac | Forum

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Sprink Davis
Sprink Davis Apr 5 '24

Moving from QuickBooks windows file to QuickBooks for Mac, is a great idea. This conversion will transfer all the regular transactions, employee, customers, and vendors data. There are various other factors involved in this move QuickBooks for Mac file to QuickBooks for Windows, which we will be discussing later in this post.

However, if you have any query, or in case of any technical assistance, you can get in touch with certified QuickBooks support professionals. ProAdvisors team of experts will ensure to provide you with the best possible support services.


How to convert QuickBooks for windows file to QuickBooks for Mac?

In case the user is moving from QuickBooks desktop for windows to mac, then he/she needs not to start over. The steps process are as follows:

Step 1: On the windows system

·         The user will first have to update QuickBooks desktop for windows to the latest release


Final word!

Towards the end of this post, we believe that you will be able to successfully convert a QuickBooks for windows file to QuickBooks for Mac.

In case of any difficulty of for any further technical assistance, you can get in touch with QuickBooks enterprise customer support team at their toll-free helpline number i.e. 1-800-761-1787. And leave the rest on the team of accounting professionals.