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Error 500 server error when clicking on sign up | Forum

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Mar 26 '13
I recently downloaded the Plugin Country Flags from the Oxwall Store which did not work, not only that it as messed up my website, as now when you click on sign up on my website this message comes up -Server error

The website encountered an error while retrieving http://www.mydiarybook.co.uk/join. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Not only that but i can no longer use profile edit as when i click on it a blank page comes up.
What i would like to know is how can Oxwall allow someone to upload a plugin to the Oxwall Store when there is something obviously wrong with it, my website worked fine before i uploaded the Country Flag plugin to my website, and i would like to know who is going to fix my website?
kind regards
MDB Social Share

Rahul verma
Rahul verma Mar 27 '13
my some of  users getting same prob  .when they opening page they r getting this

Error 500
Internal Server Error. 

Rahul verma
Rahul verma Mar 28 '13
i did u pm
Flow Jul 29 '13
Hey Paul,

I have the same problem with my site. Shows 500 error message when "sign up" is clicked. I tried restoring my site from backups several times and changing theme, restoring the error files popped up in Debug mode, clearing smarty cache and all. Unfortunately, after trying all this, I still see the 500 error message. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Alia Team
Alia Jul 29 '13
Stan, first of all you will need to make sure that it is Country Flag plugin causing the issue.
1. Contact plugin developer.
2. If plugin developer refuses to fix the issue, you can submit your complain to: moderation_team@oxwall.org
3. In almost all cases deleting the plugin should fix the issue.

Alex Jul 30 '13
Hi i have this problem it is watchdog unable to register the e-mail try disabling it it worked for me
Alia Team
Alia Jul 31 '13
Paul can you share what have caused the issue?
benjaminmcavoy Sep 7 '13
Hey Guys... I am having the same issue now, this is the following message that runs across the bottom of the page....

Oxwall: 1.5.3 (6341) Page: 2.943s | 37.250MB Request: BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel::index Components: 38 Events: 64 Database: 287qrs | 0.238s xCLEAR CACHE

Does anyone know if it could be a plugin..?


With Gratitude to all

Alia Team
Alia Sep 9 '13
benjaminmcavoy,  it is a feature =)

In ow_inlcludes/config.php you have a mod called " define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', true); ".
When it is set to "true" you will get a bar with all kind of data that helps to monitor your site ( mainly the tool for developers).
Just set it to "false" and bar will disappear.
benjaminmcavoy Sep 9 '13
Thank you Aliia, are you able to advise where I will find how to do this..?  I am a little slow in learning.

With Gratitude

Alia Team
Alia Sep 9 '13
You will need to log in to your server's control panel ( or if you are using FTP, log in via FTP).

If you are using some kind of control panel, find  "File Manager", browse to the place where oxwall is installed>>find "ow_includes" folder>>within this folder find "config.php" file>>edit it ( like here: http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug) by setting OW_PROFILER_ENABLE like to "false".

Basically you will need to to this NOT IN OXWALL's ADMIN PANEL. This should be done on your server ( where source code of Oxwall is located at).

benjaminmcavoy Sep 10 '13
Thank you for this..... I have change this in my FTP,   the same issue is coming up,  I think it could be something to do with this ( Once you are done with your activities, remember to change the value back to false in the live production environment.)..?    is this done in cpanel..?  I am not sure

Thank you again
Alia Team
Alia Sep 10 '13
Can you send a screen shot of your config.php file to me?

Alia Team
Alia Sep 10 '13
I think I got you confused. Sorry if I did.

PROFILER needs to be set to "false", as well as DEV and DEBUG.

On another note, you are missing ")" here. Try setting everything to "false" and adding missing sign.
Let me know the results.

benjaminmcavoy Sep 10 '13

I am not sure if I have it right this time..?  if it is, it did not work

The Forum post is edited by Alia Sep 11 '13
Alia Team
Alia Sep 11 '13
I have removed your image, since it contains access details to your database.

Replace what you have within the area selected in red by the code I have pasted bellow the image:

if ( defined('OW_CRON') )
    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);
    * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode
    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);
benjaminmcavoy Sep 12 '13

I am so sorry about this,  I have screen shot the changes, and it still comes up...?  urrrr what am I doing wrong....

\With Gratitude Again

Alia Team
Alia Sep 12 '13
Can you provide FTP access details ( url, username, password) . I will be glad to take a look for you.
You can PM this info to me.
Alia Team
Alia Sep 13 '13

benjaminmcavoy was editing config.php for his second installation of oxwall, while checking whether changes applies on first one ( on another domain name).