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ADSENSE IN SIDEBAR [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Rafal Mly
Rafal Mly Mar 26 '13

I have question:

How may i add adsense ads in blogs sidebar?

I would like to place it on all blogs posts. How to place it correctly in theme?

The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 1 '13
Rafal Mly
Rafal Mly Mar 27 '13
Thank you for answer Jamie, i have this plugin, but it can place adsense just in the top and bottom of each pages. I would like to ad ads in sidebar - it is possible to use custom html widget and place ads in sidebar, but just main page and members profile pages. I would like to add ads in sidebar on blog posts as well.
suresh kumar
suresh kumar Mar 27 '13
You need to have a theme with sidebar
Alia Team
Alia Mar 28 '13
Suresh is right.
"Advertisement" plugin is very flexible. Depending on the theme you are using, it will offer you different banner placement places. For example, theme called "Crayon". In this theme you can place advertisement banners in sidebar. See screen shot bellow:

Rafal Mly
Rafal Mly Mar 29 '13
Thank you Suresh and Aliia - i did not know about it, i will find some theme with sidebar, greetings
sunarno Nov 10 '14
not showing in origin theme
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
I'm sorry but cannot reproduce that on our demo website. 

Please provide the following info: 

what is your software version?

what is your ad plugin version?

Please provide screenshots of these pages: 

Masgan Feb 23 '15

Quote from ross I'm sorry but cannot reproduce that on our demo website. 

Please provide the following info: 

what is your software version?

what is your ad plugin version?

Please provide screenshots of these pages: 

hi ross , please help me .  adding banner on my site . because not working . sure. help me . help me .help me . ross pleaseee  :'(
Taissa Team
Taissa Feb 25 '15
Masgan, please specify what banner you mean?
If you are using the Advertisement plugin, then provide us with the following info:

What is your software version?
What is your ads plugin version?
What do you mean by saying "not working"?
What page do you want to add an advertisement banner to?
The Forum post is edited by Taissa Mar 4 '15
TonyKa Sep 15 '15
has ANYONE got approval from google for adsense advertising?

I cannot do it!! can somebody help? all time i got reject. The site is a very sweet dating, very kind and high class... The problem is that robots need to login to see the ads even if i have allow everything even to guests.

Any ideas?

Taissa Team
Taissa Sep 22 '15
TonyKa, to assist you in the best way we need to get more information.
Provide us with the screenshot of your advertisement banner site position.
What theme do you use? Is this theme responsive? If yes, did you try this fix: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/39991?page=1#post-157441?
If you open your site for guests, it should not have any login restrictions, including for robots.  
Did you try to reproduce this issue on our Demo ?
TonyKa Oct 5 '15
Taissa, for one more time, i have to say that...



    display:block !important;


solved the problem!!! :)

Is there any explanation of how this works? ? (the add code)

Thank you!!

TonyKa Oct 5 '15
Taissa, one more question please!! :)

When I click on the advertisment, the adv opens on the SAME window of browser, so it takes me OUT of my site and goes to the advertised site. Is it possible to open the advertised site on a NEW window on the broswer?

Thank you so much!!!

Taissa Team
Taissa Oct 6 '15
Quote from TonyKa

Is there any explanation of how this works? ? (the add code)

For some reasons, the styles in the advertisement template: style="display:block"  do not allow to show the banner. 
For now, you can use the 'hot fix' to make the responsive banners work on your site.

If you would like to open your advertisment banner link in new window, be sure your link has this attribute: target="_blank" .

For inctance:
 <a target="_blank" href="http://www.skalfa.com/services/support">Professional Oxwall Support</a>