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Translation. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
orela Mar 28 '13

I am trying to translate the site to a different language.

I did not success to translate these sentences for example:

" ... joined our site"

"... are now friends"

I searched the sentence and translated it but i still see it in English...

What is the problem?


Alia Team
Alia Mar 28 '13
Which language text key have you translated?
orela Mar 29 '13
I tried 2 option:

1. Clone a language make it default and translate the text that i wrote before.

2. Translate English sentences to other language 

Alia Team
Alia Apr 1 '13
Can you make sure that following text keys are translated:

-joined our site!{text key='base+feed_user_join'}

-<a href="{$userUrl}">{$user}</a> joined our site!{text key='base+join_activity_string'}

-<a href="{$user_url}">{$name}</a> and <a href="{$requester_url}">{$requester_name}</a> are now friends{text key='friends+activity_title'}

orela Apr 3 '13

Thanks i found it.

There is a bug in the language search words.

It does not find the words all the time.

Another problem is when i try to search only in a specific section it search in other sections/plugins too.