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i cant create a new group in my website [Solved] | Forum

Moody Mar 29 '13

i cant create any group with my website , i click on create and fill the fourm , after that it gives me this error : Fatal error: Cannot access property started with '\0' in /home/****/public_html/****/ow_plugins/groups/controllers/groups.php on line 806

anyone can help me to fix it ? 

The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 4 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Was there any changes made to the groups file? like custom code changes..
Alia Team
Alia Apr 2 '13
Moddy, what do you currently have on line 806 of groups.php file?
Original file comes with 806 line being empty.
Moody Apr 3 '13
its fixed already . thnx guys for helping , its just the update
Alia Team
Alia Apr 4 '13
Do you mind sharing what have caused this? in case somebody else faces this in future.
Moody Apr 4 '13
it was the cron jobs , when i visited your profile page , i saw how to create the cronjob , after that it appear the plugins ubdate in my admin page so i updated it  ,, so the cause was the updates for my plugins
RichardGravener Nov 14 '24
The error you're seeing is related to an issue in the groups.php file, where a property is being accessed incorrectly. This can happen if there's a problem with the way the plugin or code is handling data. If you're looking for a solution to fix this issue and also need a Website laten maken Den Haag, consider reaching out to a local developer who can help troubleshoot the problem and possibly optimize the code. To resolve the error on your own, check the plugin's compatibility with your current PHP version, ensure all plugins are up-to-date, and review the specific code in groups.php around line 806. Reinstalling the plugin or contacting support might be necessary if the problem persists.
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