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Re-register how to enable user register again | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ben Mar 29 '13

user register using wrong email, and they not getting email verification. how to enable them do the registration again?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
They can register again using new email and you can delete that old user account.
ben Mar 31 '13
browser cookie prevent them
bobbi Mar 31 '13
they need to clear thier cache, cookies etc,
David A
David A Mar 31 '13
I am having trouble with the email verification email being sent out at all.
Alia Team
Alia Mar 31 '13
>> how to enable them do the registration again?

Delete this user as site admin from admin panel.


Verify this user as site admin. Once user is verified, he can change his email in "Edit my profile" page.
ben Apr 2 '13
Thanks, I have alot of user adding wrong email and they cannot verify their email because they're not realized that they email are wrong when typing
Alia Team
Alia Apr 3 '13
Ben, another option for your users:

When they get to the verification page, they can enter another email there and send a new verification code.
ben Apr 4 '13
Alia, they dont get the email, they entering wrong email so they dont get the email )):

The Forum post is edited by ben Apr 4 '13
Alia Team
Alia Apr 5 '13
Ben, what I am referring to is that even though they have used a wrong email during registration, they can resend new verification code to the new email.
For example, here is the page I see when I register:

If wrong email was specified, you can resend it again, this time to another email:

ben Apr 5 '13
o Ya, thats what im looking for, Aliia rocks!!

Is there any plan for oxwall for using another method for verify user? people are rarely open their email right now. perhaps Oxwall considered using send free text message to user mobile phone by entering their phone number and we send them verification code and site notification activiti to their phone.

just for information my user 50% entering wrong email because they forget their email or their email is not active anymore. people now often using their phone
Alia Team
Alia Apr 7 '13
Ben, what about using FB connect?

Currently we are not planning to develop another method to verify users.
You an suggest this feature to UserVoice.
You can check the list of what is being developed here
ben Apr 12 '13
I dont know, user voice are too long to wait. it;s same with sharing in here, in forum. I know some company(google, mochahost) already using text message to send verification code

Im not using fb connect because i set avatar required. i dont want user sign up without photo. many scammer on my site. my biggest problem now is scammer using 2 or 3 ip address