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The Ancient Roots of Chinese Civilization | Forum

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ppyadv48 May 12
China, with its rich history spanning several millennia, has left an indelible mark on the world. The roots of Chinese civilization stretch back into the deep corridors of prehistory, with the earliest signs of a proto-civilization appearing around 10,000 BCE. However, the generally accepted age of Chinese civilization begins with the emergence of the Xia dynasty, traditionally dated to around 2070 BCE1.To get more news about how old is chinese civilization, you can visit shine news official website.

The Xia Dynasty: A Turning Point
The Xia dynasty is often considered the first true Chinese dynasty. It marked a significant shift from tribal societies to a more organized and centralized state. During this period, advancements in agriculture, pottery, and metallurgy laid the groundwork for future developments. The legendary Emperor Yu the Great is credited with controlling floods and establishing irrigation systems, which greatly contributed to the stability and prosperity of the region.

The Dynastic Cycle
The traditional lens for viewing Chinese history is the dynastic cycle. Imperial dynasties rise and fall, each leaving its mark on the cultural landscape. The Shang dynasty followed the Xia, introducing writing systems (such as oracle bone inscriptions) and bronze metallurgy. The Zhou dynasty succeeded the Shang, and it was during this time that Confucianism and Daoism emerged as influential philosophies.

The Golden Age: Tang Dynasty
The Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE) is often considered the “golden age” of Chinese civilization. Under the leadership of Emperor Gaozu, the bureaucracy was improved, and cultural achievements flourished. The Tang era witnessed remarkable advancements in art, literature, and technology. The famous Silk Road facilitated trade and cultural exchange, connecting China with the wider world.

Legacy and Influence
Chinese civilization has left an enduring legacy. With written records dating back 4,000 years, it is recognized as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world, alongside ancient Egypt, Babylon, and India2. From the earliest Neolithic settlements along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers to the grandeur of the Ming and Qing dynasties, China’s history is a tapestry of innovation, conflict, and cultural brilliance.

In summary, Chinese civilization can be traced as an unbroken thread many thousands of years into the past, making it one of the cradles of civilization. Its impact on art, philosophy, science, and governance continues to resonate globally.