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What dishes do you use desiccated coconut in? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Fargo May 20

Hi everyone!!! I recently bought dried coconut and wondered how it could be used in cooking. I used to only use it for baking, such as in coconut cookies or cake. But I'm sure there are many other interesting and delicious recipes with this ingredient.

What dishes do you make using desiccated coconut? Please share your recipes and tips for using it!

John Piterson
John Piterson May 20
I often use desiccated coconut  in various dishes. For example, I add it to curries for extra flavor and texture. It's also great for making coconut rice - just add some coconut to the rice while cooking. Another favorite recipe of mine is granola bars with honey and desiccated coconut. I hope these ideas are helpful.
max May 21

Good price , thanks for your advice!