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Creative (Elegant/responsive) | theme

Creative (Elegant/responsive)

16 images
Last updated Jun 6 '16
Published Jul 9 '15

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To see the theme in live action go to our demo site http://soundchum.com/?layout=sweetbook
simple and elegant theme with custom join page see this video that describe youbook theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Ny1ORyFOA or visit...
in the new version we added very elegant and smart features, like new join page, and fixed right chat like facebook , and more . see this video...


Theme title Creative (Elegant/responsive)
Item published Soundchum web solution
Price $28
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Tags no-sidebar, dark, modern, responsive, elegant, fixed, soundchum, landing page, soundchum web solution
Demo page soundchum.com/?layout=creative
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
Most elegant and professional theme for oxwall software, it has smart animations and moving headers, also profile header when the mouse scroll facebook style .
visit our demo site to see it in live
Most elegant and professional theme for oxwall software, it has smart animations and moving headers, also profile header when the mouse scroll facebook style .
visit our demo site to see it in live
you can login with username / password as below :
tester / tester
tester1 / tester1
tester2 / tester2
tester3 / tester3
tester4 / tester4
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Total product rate

Based on 2 reviews

Customer reviews

Mourad ben
Very creative

i think the theme author said the truth when he called this theme creative i found a lot of new features in this theme, very nice look in both desktop and mobile excellent

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Mourad ben,
Jul 13 '15
