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** Advanced Blogs Plugin ** | plugin

** Advanced Blogs Plugin **

18 images
Last updated Sep 17 '19
Published Aug 13 '15

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Plugin title ** Advanced Blogs Plugin **
Item published iDragon Solution Co., Ltd
Category Development, Social networking
Price $24
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page owdemo.idragonsolution.com/blogs
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
This plugin allows your social network users to post and share their blogs. It works bases on Oxwall's blog plugin with some enhanced features.
User can save blog as draft and publish blog later. Adm...
This plugin allows your social network users to post and share their blogs. It works bases on Oxwall's blog plugin with some enhanced features.
User can save blog as draft and publish blog later. Admin/moderators can also make blog featured to promote interesting blogs. Blogs can be put in category and tagged for easy searching, and organization. Beautiful blog browsing.

** RSS feed of getting recent blog or from categories.

** The existing blogs from Oxwall's blog plugin are still be kept for this plugin working.

** Works with responsive theme.

** Requires Oxwall's blog plugin to be installed.

** Try our demo here http://oxwall.idragonsolution.com/blogs

*Account for demo site: tester1@yahoo.com/123456

** If you have any questions, please contact us directly via email dragonit80@gmail.com or via our ticket sytem: http://ticket.idragonsolution.com/open.php
** Refund policy: http://idragonsolution.com/privacy-policy
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Based on 14 reviews

Customer reviews

Jobee Bendijo
Transforms Blogs Page Beautifully! Great Plugin!

After installing, there was a bug, so I reported it, and it was fixed in a very timely manner. It does need some customizing for dark themes, and the developer helped me make it look right. Everything works and looks great once you get it set up. This is a terrific plugin. It makes blogs page exciting and interesting!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Jobee Bendijo,
Sep 21 '15
Two features make this a must have plugin!

1) The ability to select a cover photo enables great Facebook shares with the picture. 2) The visual design of the Blog home page is cool, and works well on.responsive themes. The more I use this plugin, the more impressed I am. The ability to enable/disable the front-end for Admin entries works well. Can really fine tune your image settings in the Blog also. Well done!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Mar 8 '17
