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Adblock Detector | plugin

Adblock Detector

4 images
Last updated Jun 27 '17
Published Nov 2 '15

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Plugin title Adblock Detector
Item published Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Category Integrations, Monetization
Price $10
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwall.ewtnet.us/
License OSCL
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Tired of missed opportunities because of pesky ad blocker browser extensions, add-ons, and plugins? Fight back with Ad Blocking Detector today!

Display a nice custom warning message with a close bu...
Tired of missed opportunities because of pesky ad blocker browser extensions, add-ons, and plugins? Fight back with Ad Blocking Detector today!

Display a nice custom warning message with a close button to users with adblock enabled. Works on all browser and every Adblock extension.

The latest version now has multi-lingual support and an option to deactivate the close button.

By default, an alert box with the following message will display at the top of the page if adblock is detected: 'You are using Adblock, this site is financed with ads. If you want be able to see the content deactivate Adblock or Remove it.'

- Detects all major ad blocking browser extensions on all major web browsers. Including AdBlock Plus and Ghostery!
- Compatible with Oxwall & Skadate!
- Regular feature enhancements and additions!
- Excellent support from the plugin developer.

More details: http://www.eobasi.com/...ector-oxwall-plugin/
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Total product rate

Based on 5 reviews

Customer reviews

Works great

Does what it says. Works like a charm.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 3 out of 3 people

Nov 24 '15
Lukma Kassimu
Nice Plugin

Works as described. You can even add your own warning message.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 2 out of 2 people

Lukma Kassimu,
Nov 16 '15
does not work.

this does not work, It only displays a warning messages but doesnot block the acces.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 3 people

Nov 15 '15
