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Comment Notification to Subscribers | plugin

Comment Notification to Subscribers

1 image
Last updated Sep 23 '21
Published Jan 26 '16

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Plugin title Comment Notification to Subscribers
Item published iDragon Solution Co., Ltd
Category Development, Social networking
Price $5
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page owdemo.idragonsolution.com/index
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
Notify comment authors whenever a new comment is added to a post (Currently just notify to post owner). So that, the commenters know who recently replied on the post they've commented.
For example:
Notify comment authors whenever a new comment is added to a post (Currently just notify to post owner). So that, the commenters know who recently replied on the post they've commented.
For example:
- User A posted a new post.
- Then User B commented on userA's post
- After that User C commented on userA's post. Then user B will recieve a new notification that User C commented on userA's post.

** If you have any questions, please contact us directly via email dragonit80@gmail.com or via our ticket sytem: http://ticket.idragonsolution.com/open.php
** Refund policy: http://idragonsolution.com/privacy-policy
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Based on 8 reviews

Customer reviews

No problems at all. Happy with purchase

Worked exactly as it should right out of the box. Nothing to configure, no bad english to clean up. Happy to pay the $5 for this. Good support :)

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Jan 28 '16
