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3X Facebook Likes (DISCONTINUED) | plugin

3X Facebook Likes (DISCONTINUED)

3 images
Last updated May 11 '18
Downloads 511
Published Sep 2 '16
Total downloads 1651

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Plugin title 3X Facebook Likes (DISCONTINUED)
Item published IntrigU
Category Monetization, Social networking
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/49665
License The BSD License
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This plugin has been discontinued due to Facebook changes that disabled the core feature behind this plugin.

A noninvasive mini-popup that can triple your monthly Facebook likes. Use this plugin to...
This plugin has been discontinued due to Facebook changes that disabled the core feature behind this plugin.

A noninvasive mini-popup that can triple your monthly Facebook likes. Use this plugin to entice your site visitors to like your site on Facebook.

Did you know that your site visitors are more likely to pay attention to popups than they are to static text or images? The popup appears in the right bottom of the page so that the user can continue to browse your site without interruption. The popup does NOT get blocked by the browser.

Be sure to change the default popup wording in Language settings: www.yoursite.com/admin/settings/languages?prefix=fblikepopup
"Like Us on Facebook"
"Get 10 Credits for every like!"

You can adjust the following plugin settings in www.yoursite.com/admin/plugins/fblikepopup

Site URL:
Type in the URL of your site

Delay setting:
The time, in seconds, until the popup shows.

Cookie setting:
The number of days to set the cookie for. A cookie is used to track if the popup has already been shown to a specific visitor. If the popup has been shown, it will not show again until the cookie expires. A value of 0 will always show the popup.

Colour Scheme setting:
Set this to HEX value of the colour you want.
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Based on 5 reviews

Customer reviews

Ketil Ervik
Verry nice work

Very good and functioning properly. I like it. Thanks.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 2 people

Ketil Ervik,
Sep 2 '16
