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Amazon Affiliate Store | plugin

Amazon Affiliate Store

5 images
Last updated Nov 9 '17
Downloads 86
Published Apr 14 '17
Total downloads 90

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I don't have the time to update this plugin, so I decided to make it free for everyone. Adds a Twitch live-stream with Twitch-Chat and playlist...


Plugin title Amazon Affiliate Store
Item published Schubkraft Media
Category Integrations, Monetization
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwalldemo.schubkraft.hosting/store/category
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
I don't have the time to update this plugin, so I decided to make it free for everyone.

You want to earn money without to charge your community members for VIP profiles or credits? Then this is for...
I don't have the time to update this plugin, so I decided to make it free for everyone.

You want to earn money without to charge your community members for VIP profiles or credits? Then this is for you!

This plugin uses the Amazon product api to setup an amazon affiliate store. Your members can click on products and buy them via Amazon to support your community. You get a small provision from Amazon, everytime someone buys stuff from your site.

If your members won't find anything that suits their needs, they can search for themselves with the search feature. And you earn money there too! You can activate or deactivate every Amazon product category too.

Admins can create categories and add products from the product search to them. There are a lot of icons to use for the categories to suit your needs.

Note: You need a Amazon affiliate ID and API Keys for this to work.
You can create them here for free:

You can only use one Amazon store at a time. (e.g. amazon.com OR amazon.de) and you have to get the affiliate ID for the store you want to use!

The plugin already includes English and German translations.

When buying this plugin you acknowledge that you have no rights for a refund. Sorry, but some users are not honest and try to get a refund after using this plugin, so I had to change to a no-refund-policy.
If you have any problems with the plugin, write me a personal message and I'll try to get it working for you.
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