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Tinder cards | plugin

Tinder cards

7 images
Last updated Jun 23 '20
Published May 25 '19

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Plugin title Tinder cards
Item published VipDev
Category Dating, Monetization
Price $20
Compatible with 1.8.4
License OSCL
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The plugin allows to people find and match with each other like the Tinder do. There are also a lot of cool things under the hood!

The key features:

1. The plugin's search algorithm uses the rea...
The plugin allows to people find and match with each other like the Tinder do. There are also a lot of cool things under the hood!

The key features:

1. The plugin's search algorithm uses the real people locations (inside a 100 miles radius)

2. Search results presented like tinder cards which can be moved to any position left, right, top and to the bottom

3. There is an extra info on the each card like, distance, compatibility, etc
4. There is also an extra possibility to rate users manually using the 5 stars rating and leave comments about they

5. Comments are readable only by credits, it's a monetization feature which will help you earn some money

6. People can leave comments if they choose the high rate 5 or 4

7. There are two kinds of notification about users matches - email notification and "it's a match" window like the Tinder do

8. Overall user rating are available on the profiles page

9. Show matched users on the dashboard


The plugin works correctly both on the Skadata and Oxwall platforms
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Total product rate

Based on 2 reviews

Customer reviews

Very good!!

The plugin is working perfectly. I was able to adapt it to PWA and had a great service.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Aug 12 '19
