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Swap Theme Plus | plugin

Swap Theme Plus

7 images
Published Jun 20 '20

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Plugin title Swap Theme Plus
Item published Patricia Zorrilla
Category Interface, Utilities
Price $20
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page somoscd.es/testsite
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
Users and guests can easily choose their favorite theme with a single click. You can set which themes are available for each user role.
User roles and permissions support.
Allows the admin to define...
Users and guests can easily choose their favorite theme with a single click. You can set which themes are available for each user role.
User roles and permissions support.
Allows the admin to define the name of the theme that is displayed on the screen.
Allows you to have themes installed without them being displayed.
If a theme is removed, users who used it will be able to use the default theme.
If there is only one active theme, it is not shown.
The width occupied by the widget is the one of the longest name, so it uses short names: "Dark" and "Light", for example.
It works perfectly in OxWall and SkaDate in all versions.
The difference with Swap Theme https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/1668 is that it does not allow to define which themes are available for each role.
If you have a Swap Theme license https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/1668 you can change it paying only the difference in price.
Testsite OxWall:
Testsite Skadate:
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Total product rate

Based on 2 reviews

Customer reviews

Mac Fionn

Does exactly what it says it will! Depending on the theme, you may need to alter the margin/padding in .css to get the drop down menu exactly where you want it, but that's nothing. This is perfectly suited for buying two identical themes other than one being dark, and the other light. Now it truly appears you simply have a light/dark versioning of one template. Thanks Patricia!!

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Mac Fionn,
Jun 29 '20

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Updates Last Reply by Patricia Zorrilla Jun 20 '20