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Search Range | plugin

Search Range

3 images
Published Jul 25 '20

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Secret Photo is the best friend of User Credits. But it is also able to run standalone without User Credits plugin. With this plugin users can...
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Another way to display your user profile page. Price include 6 custom developing hours. Buy and PM me.


Plugin title Search Range
Item published Daniel
Category Dating, Optimization
Price $72
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
After you install this plugin, when you create a profile question with the type "Single Choice - Regular (Slower results, unlimited)", you will have a "Search type" option to select what kind of input... After you install this plugin, when you create a profile question with the type "Single Choice - Regular (Slower results, unlimited)", you will have a "Search type" option to select what kind of input should be shown on the user search from, like "Single Choice", "Range Select" and "Multiple Checkbox".

When you select "Single Choice" in the question setting form, a single choice dropdown box will appear in the user search form. - Very Fast Results

When you select "Range Select" in the question setting form, a range selector will appear in the user search form, for example, you create a "Height" question for the user, then the user will be able to search the people who are from "XXX CM" to "XXX CM" in the user search form. - Very Fast Results

When you select "Multiple Checkbox" in the question setting form, there will be a checkbox group appear in the user search form, for example, you create a "City you want to visit" question for user, and add many city to the question value, then the user user will be able to see a checkbox group on the user search form, the user will able to check many city to find the people who want to go these cities. - Slower Results

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Bug Last Reply by Sanjay Jul 5 '21