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Video Viewer like Facebook, G+ | plugin

Video Viewer like Facebook, G+

6 images
Last updated Jan 2 '19
Published Sep 12 '13

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Plugin title Video Viewer like Facebook, G+
Item published iDragon Solution Co., Ltd
Category Social networking, Video
Price $19
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page owdemo.idragonsolution.com/video
License OSCL
Videoviewer is a video viewer plugin which inherits versatility and friendly interface of Facebook and Google Plus’s video viewer.

Compatibility: Oxwall 1.5.x - 1.7.x
Browsers support: Firefox, Ch...
Videoviewer is a video viewer plugin which inherits versatility and friendly interface of Facebook and Google Plus’s video viewer.

Compatibility: Oxwall 1.5.x - 1.7.x
Browsers support: Firefox, Chrome, IE8+, Safari
Requirement: Oxwall's video plugin


- AJAX based quick video viewing to save time and resources.
- Lightbox AJAX viewer:
. On-the-spot loading of videos upon clicking of their thumbnails.
. Design of viewer minimizes distraction while video viewing.
. Improved navigation and better overall utility: Its design makes the video lightbox viewer more usable and interactive as links and other options for user actions are easily accessible. Actions like Report, Edit, Delete, Make as featured, etc can be quickly performed from video viewer without page reload.

- Video option panel with many useful options:
. Edit video
. Delete video
. Make as Featured or Remove from Featured
. Go to video detail page
. …

- Next & previous icons for jumping over videos.

- Keyboard Interactivity for user convenience and quick browsing: Keyboard based jumping over videos. Left key for previous video and right key for next video. Esc key can be used to close the viewer.

- Fun and user friendly experience.

- Video owners can also easily edit description, tags of videos within the lightbox via AJAX.

- Admin can set enable or disable Videoviewer

** Try our demo here http://owdemo.idragonsolution.com/index
** Purchase: http://idragonsolution.com/...gphotoviewer-oxwall/
** If you have any questions, please contact us directly via email dragonit80@gmail.com or via our ticket sytem: http://ticket.idragonsolution.com/open.php
** Refund policy: http://idragonsolution.com/privacy-policy
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Based on 14 reviews

Customer reviews

Mark J
Love this plugin

It make my site more friendly and nice. My members will not go to anywhere when click on video item with the nice layout. Love!!!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 2 out of 2 people

Mark J,
Oct 9 '13
Kяuncн Leader
Thumbs-Up "5-Stars"

Works like a charm, Members and myself have been using this plugin for months and will continue enjoying,,, "A much needed eye-candy Item", can't beat, especially for it's low cost, Thanks again iDragon Solution's..

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Oct 30 '13
Scooppa Holix
Great Plugin!!

Love the pop layout with side interaction, my online artists will look and feel like a million bucks! Also the developers of this plugin were very helpful when I had an issue with the plugin, they responded to my request right way!! Two thumbs up guys, thanks!!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Scooppa Holix,
Nov 10 '13

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