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PhotoEvent Plugin | plugin

PhotoEvent Plugin

10 images
Last updated Apr 15 '17
Published Feb 26 '14

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Plugin title PhotoEvent Plugin
Item published iDragon Solution Co., Ltd
Category Development, Social networking
Price $20
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page owdemo.idragonsolution.com/event/1
License OSCL
PhotoEvent is a photo extension for EVENT plugin. Allow users to upload and view photos for each event with tags, rates, and comments.

<<< If you want to "PHOTO VIEWER LIKE FACEBOOK, G+" plugin wor...
PhotoEvent is a photo extension for EVENT plugin. Allow users to upload and view photos for each event with tags, rates, and comments.

<<< If you want to "PHOTO VIEWER LIKE FACEBOOK, G+" plugin work togerther, contact us to get the qoute for this. >>>

Browsers support: Firefox, Chrome, IE8+, Safari
Requirement: Oxwall's event plugin

** Try our demo here http://owdemo.idragonsolution.com/event/1

*Account for demo site: tester1@yahoo.com/123456

** If you have any questions, please contact us directly via email dragonit80@gmail.com or via our ticket sytem: http://ticket.idragonsolution.com/open.php
** Refund policy: http://idragonsolution.com/privacy-policy
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Based on 4 reviews

Customer reviews


Great plugin, was much needed in the events.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Feb 27 '14
