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relationship [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sourour Apr 4 '13
hi ,

can I specify the type of relationship (sister, brother, friends ....) in oxwall ??

The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 5 '13
Sourour Apr 4 '13
thnx a lot
Sourour Apr 6 '13
can you help me to solve this problem :

Declaration of FAMILYFRIENDS_CMP_IndexWidget::processSettingList() should be compatible with that of BASE_CLASS_Widget::processSettingList()

  prob.PNG (457.99Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Apr 7 '13
Sourour, messages of "Notice" type like in your screen shot are not critical and usually don't effect anything. If you disable DEBUG mode this message will disappear.

If you are still concerned about this notice, please contact developer of Family&Friends plugin.
Sourour Apr 8 '13