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Urgently need to find where to order an unmanned drone for surveillance | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Rick May 29

Hey everyone, I'm looking for recommendations on where to order drones for perimeter and critical infrastructure surveillance. Has anyone here had experience with this? What specific features should I be looking for in these types of drones?

Andy May 29
Hi there! I've been in the same boat recently and found a great solution. I highly recommend checking out Microavia. Their drones are top-notch and perfect for surveillance tasks. They offer a drone-in-a-box solution, which is incredibly convenient. From my personal experience, the drones are high quality and reasonably priced. They work seamlessly without needing internet access, which is a huge plus for security purposes. They can withstand extreme temperatures, both high and low, and come equipped with an infrared camera, which is essential for night-time monitoring. I've been really impressed with their performance and reliability. The customer service was also excellent, providing all the necessary support and information. If you’re looking for a reliable option, Microavia is definitely worth considering.