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Database and General Documentation Questions | Forum

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Andrew M
Andrew M Apr 5 '13
I have a couple questions for you all.

First I was curious why the Account Types column in the DB are encrypted values? Is that necessary? What is the reason behind this?

Is there any documentation on the database tables?

Lastly, unless I am missing something here, there seems to be a huge lack of documentation on the code. I'm figuring it out, but would be a lot easier with good documentation. Even the documentation that is there isn't very good. Sorry. :/ It seems that OxWall is a very good system, in fact that's why I chose to try it, but I think it would take off a lot better with some good documentation and tutorials.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 7 '13
We are already developing this kind of documentation.

What kind of instructions about database tables would you like to have? ( what exactly would you be interested in).

>> why the Account Types column in the DB are encrypted values? Is that necessary? What is the reason behind this?

Account Type is not encrypted.
Each account type is given a unique ID. So what you see in the database is ID.
This ID is attached to certain language key.
For example: 290365aadde35a97f11207ca7e4279cc   is attached to

{text key='base+questions_account_type_290365aadde35a97f11207ca7e4279cc'} .

You can change the lang. key to whatever you want to, and this will not break site's functionality, since ID will remain the same.

Andrew M
Andrew M Apr 8 '13
Hey, ok that makes since. As far as database documentation, maybe a table diagram at least. I think that would help out. Also explanations of stuff like the Languasge key, (unless it is already somewhere I just didn't see).

Any idea as to when the documentation that you speak of developing will be available?

Thanks for your reply, and for all your all's hard work!