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can anybody make a mod out of this open source poker script | Forum

Pete Apr 6 '13
can anybody make a mod out of this? its an open source poker script.This would be good for oxwall as a game add on
The Forum post is edited by Pete Apr 6 '13
  FlexPokerSrc.zip (3993.37Kb)
Piers J
Piers J Apr 10 '13
does it work at all ?

Pete Apr 11 '13
i should image it does yes
Pete Apr 11 '13
why dont you try it out for yourself
Noel Emac
Noel Emac Jul 11 '13
Take a look of this one. It's also open source too.

Currently it supports forum software as IPB/Xenforo/phpBB3/SMF and few CMS like Modx and SocialEngine.

You can test drive the software on my site by PM me. I don't want to be seen as spammer and admin may delete the post.

Flex has its time but now HTML5 took over. There is no more download swf to play the game anymore if you go with HTML5.

Don't know about Oxwall forum software but it can be easily added to support it providing that hashing algorithm is known.

The Forum post is edited by Noel Emac Jul 11 '13
Latif Khayr
Latif Khayr Mar 17 '22
أهلا بك! أحب لعب البوكر والعديد من ألعاب الكازينو الأخرى. أنا أبحث عن تعرض كازينوهات اون لاين مكافآت دون الإيداع للعرب لذا إذا كنت تعرف شيئًا تنصحني به ، فيرجى الدردشة معي هنا. آمل أن أجرب أفضل الكازينوهات بدون إيداع وأحصل على مكافآت كازينو جيدة. أتمنى اللعب الآمن للجميع.
Dodo Apr 21 '23
Попробуйте сегодня сыграть в покер на реальные деньги в покер руме Garilla Poker на сайте https://garillapoker.buzz/ и начните зарабатывать крутые призы. На этом сайте очень подробно рассказано про Гарилла Покер, где вы сможете сыграть в самые лучшие виды покера для заработка.