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Adding an Administrator from the admin panel [Suggestion.Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Andrew M
Andrew M Apr 9 '13
Is it possible to add an administrator to the admin panel?

Also on another subject, why can't I search for "add admin" on the forums? It looks for "add" and "admin" which makes it really difficult to find anything.
The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 11 '13
Andrew M
Andrew M Apr 9 '13
Sorry, I am going to answer my own question, it's Privacy->moderators-> and there is an admin option. Oversight on my part.
As for the forum search, I figured out serch on Google provides better results. Still it would be nice if I could get the results expected using the forum search.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 9 '13
>> I figured out serch on Google provides better results. Still it would be nice if I could get the results expected using the forum search.

We will keep this in mind for future improvements.

Andrew M
Andrew M Apr 10 '13
Thanks Aliia!