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Photo plugin limitations | Forum

Veronica Apr 19 '11
I have a current user community with a photo gallery of approx 5000 photos which is organized with photos in a subdirectory per user which will make the management easy with the filemanager.

Oxwall will store all 5000 photos in one subdirectory for all users ie 10000 photos (preview and original photo) in one directory on my server.
I have already noticed performance degradation with so many photos in one directory

Also the photo naming is different, current gallery is saving the photos original name including a hash to prevent duplicates but in Oxwall all photos are loosing any user naming and get a hash value including the userid number.

Management of the photo gallery is getting more difficult to do with filemanager having 10000 photos in one directory 100% anonymous

Furthermore the 5000 photos are NOT searchable by the user by user or by user album from the Photo Browse page.

I have made an import script of all 5000 photos including user name import and had a users preview test tonight

They refused to accept and use the Photo function in Oxwall.
They found it very primitive and not user friendly at all.

They asked about information about how many times a photo had been shown since upload
and a list of the last 10 users that have been looking at a picture in addition to the missing by user and by album searches
The Forum post is edited by Veronica Apr 19 '11
Den Team
Den Apr 21 '11
A really reasonable suggestion. Agreed. Thank you for suggestion , we will reorganize photos structure in next updates. For exam: store all user's uploaded photos in folder with user's id. It will increase performance level. In this case:
- photo's files can be still named as is (photo_15.jpg).
- update process will take minimum system resources and timeframes.

Not sure that it is good way to use user's username as foldername, cos there can be some illegal symbols in username which will be conflict with operation system.
Veronica Apr 21 '11
Folder names like userId . '_' . hash prevents guessing folder names
but my filemanager listing will direct me to the right user folder

Yes about naming pictures the original jpg file name
might be included in the stored file name
like face.jpg will be stored as face_userId_hash.jpg
so you can sort the directory listing in filemanager
and find a filename after discussion with the user
who knows their pictures by filename
The Forum post is edited by Veronica Apr 21 '11
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 27 '11
that will take some update! Moving all images from one folder into the respective user folders!

Please tread carefully as I don't want a broken site! That will be one big action to hunt the db, find who owns what photo then move it to the folder then make sure all references on the site will point to it proper!

Den Team
Den Apr 28 '11
We will try to make it safely LOL :)
Seriously, we plan to convert all photos partially, using cronjob.
Mickael Sep 11 '11
is it done now ?

Is seems that all pictures goes to : \ow\ow_userfiles\plugins\photo
Den Team
Den Nov 14 '11
Topic was moved from Plugins.