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Why are some profile pics sideways? | Forum

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 14 '13
I assume that when the new user is uploading their photo that it looks fine to them but once it gets uploaded to their profile they are sideways (90 degrees).

Is there a solution short of logging on as them and then downloading their pic and rotating it with GIMP and then reuploading?

Maybe I should just turn my head sideways when looking at their Avatar?  That works too.


Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
Steve, can you send an example of the picture  that rotates 90 degrees ?
I wasn't able to reproduce this issue.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 15 '13
I don't know what the users are doing other than uploading a photo that they have in landscape mode.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '13
I have tried to do so, and when I was uploading this image I saw that it was horizontal.
So users are aware that they are uploading their photos sideways, I guess that is exactly the way they want them to be.

If you will be able to reproduce this issue yourself, let me know.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 17 '13
There are those without clues that we still need to love.  It would be nice if there were an option in the crop thingie to rotate 90 degrees.
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Jan 19 '14
I have the same issue. I'm a tech person. If I was anyone else it would be an issue. I take a photo with a front cam and it comes out sideways on 1.6. Major issue. Need correction.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Jan 19 '14
This thread was started about 1.5.3 and not 1.6