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moderator? - Cbox Widget | Forum

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Let me know if you come across if there is any such thing that can be done. I will be happy to know that.
Joseph May 3 '13
ok you are right the integration is perfect Purus here is how to set up mods

To register mods, go to http://cbox.ws/admin.php?users, and enable the option "Authenticate registered users and mods via Integration."

Then you will need to register your mods on that page as well. To do this, paste their names one by one, so that they are registered with names exactly as they appear on your site. Select the "Mod" option, and do not enter anything into the password field. 

Now when users on your Cbox are detected with names that match those in your Mod list, they will automatically be given Mod status. 

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks Joseph. So can you confirm that its up to the admin to setup the mods in cbox as they want. Is my understanding correct?
Joseph May 3 '13
yes the reason we thought it could not be done originally was that we were setting up passwords but now with this info everything works great
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I believe it should be username and not the display name which needs to be added.
Joseph May 3 '13
yes username I forgot to mention that whatever name you see displayed in cbox will be the name to use
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks for details.
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