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Creating new forum [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sreekanth Apr 17 '13
Dear Team,

Please advise me on creation of different forums under FORUM. By default we have only General Chat.

Please help me asap.
Thanks and Regards,
The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 18 '13
orela Apr 17 '13

In order to create a forum:

- Log in as admin

- Go (user view) to forum page and click on "Customize this page".

- Press on "Add new forum"

- In "Section" write new one or use existing name from the combo box (if you want that the forum will be belong to this section).

- Fill the other page fields and press "ADD"

- If you put the mouse pointer on the forum name (existing forum) you can edit it or delete it.

The Forum post is edited by orela Apr 17 '13
Sreekanth Apr 17 '13
Thank you orela. It is done
Alia Team
Alia Apr 18 '13
Thanks for helping Orela.