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My journey on the Carnivore Diet (doctors, carbohydrates, pounds, cardio) | Forum

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idayrare corded
A few months ago I read about a Carnivore Diet study conducted by Harvard University where approximately 2100 people participated. The study provided incredible insights into the benefits of the Carnivore Diet and at the time, I weighed in at 313 pounds. After reading about the study and the results, I decided to try the Carnivore Diet as a means to lose weight and get healthier overall. Today, coming up on 11 weeks on this diet, I have lost 43 pounds and feel amazing!! I plan to continue this journey until I reach my goal weight of 225 pounds. At first, I was very skeptical about this diet. I worried about how it would impact my cholesterol and I always suffered from Gout, for which I avoided red meat. After starting the diet, I consume mostly red meat, and have even started eating organ meat again (I love beef liver), and have not suffered a Gout flareup yet. There are Doctors online who swear by this diet and it's benefits. I feel like this diet has helped me sleep better at night. I wake up more energized, and the body aches and pains that plagued me before are good. I used to think the lower back pain in the morning was muscular, but I'm convinced that it was inflammation caused by all the carbohydrates and sugars that I was consuming. Since eliminating Carbs and Sugars, I feel amazing, and plan on adopting this diet as my way of life. This diet is not necessarily for everyone, but I feel like it's the one diet I can stick to and I'm seeing great results. Best of all, when I had my recent physical all of my lab results were either in the normal range or closing in on normal range when compared to my previous physical results. Today, I am 270 pounds. I have not been this "lite" since around 2012 when my wife and I welcomed our first born, and I can't wait to reach my goal weight of 225 pounds, which is what I weighed when I was in college. Below is the link to the Harvard study that was conducted. The results will amaze you, especially for those out there who suffer from Diabetes. Removing Carbs and Sugars from your diet may lead to you getting off the meds.

Olli Stor
Olli Stor Jul 22
I'm reading "The Carnivore Code". It makes a lot of claims, including helping with Crohn's disease. I'm debating giving it a try. But I hate beef liver, not gonna eat it.
The Forum post is edited by Olli Stor Jul 22
Jeremy Blake
Jeremy Blake Jul 22
I’ve really enjoyed reading about your journey on the Carnivore Diet! It’s fascinating how diet can impact our health and performance. I used to struggle with carbs and energy levels while running, but after switching to a high-protein diet, I noticed a huge boost in my endurance. It was like finding the missing puzzle piece!

I also recently found out about the best gym software that really helps track progress and keeps me motivated. It’s been a game-changer for my workouts! If you're looking to optimize your training even more, I highly recommend checking it out. Anyway, keep sharing your experience; it’s inspiring to see how different approaches work for everyone.
The Forum post is edited by Jeremy Blake Jul 22