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Quote feature is not working Don't they test this thing? | Forum

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 20 '13
I go into a forum and decide to reply to a post.  I click quote and nothing happens so then I highlight some text and hit quote and nothing happens.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to test features before releasing products?

I am running OpenSuse and using Chrome.  And yes this is getting a bit frustrating.

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 20 '13
Looks like subscribe to new posts is also not working
Alia Team
Alia Apr 22 '13
Steve, tested in Chrome ( Linux Mint OS).
Both features are working.
Try checking from another computer and another browser.

ben Apr 22 '13
i test this and working fine
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 22 '13
My upgrade never showed up so I did the manual upgrade.  Now Softaclous thinks I am still running 1.5.1 and wants me to upgrade but I am afraid it will hose things.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 22 '13
I tested on another machine.  Quote is not working.  Photo viewer is not working.  New "restriction" settings in the customize page do not save.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 22 '13
Is it safe to let Softaculous "update" my existing but buggy 1.5.3 to 1.5.3 again?
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 22 '13
Softaculous recognized the 1.5.3 but I did a forced upgrade.  Problems are all still there