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help ? wall and newsfeed issues | Forum

Tango Apr 22 '11
not sure if iam putting this post in the right place my issue is we have just uploaded ur software to are site it all seems to work ok but the wall and newsfeed when we enter text there is no button to post the msgs plus we cant comment or like posts unsure what needs to be done if someone could help that would be gr8 thanks :)
The Forum post is edited by Tango Apr 22 '11
Den Team
Den Apr 26 '11
Hi Tango!
Would you open your site with firefox and firebug enabled? It seems that you have some Javascript errors on index page.
Do you have any custom html/javascript widgets on index page?
Carlos Ernesto
Carlos Ernesto Apr 26 '11
Also i can't publish at any place: wall or newsfeed, how can i solve it
shimray Apr 26 '11
even me im facing the problem.... there is no option for adding or posting on the wall??? how to solve it....
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 27 '11
I have seen this with the new IM chat plugin. The button doesn't appear. Also make sure your site has completely loaded before entering in any text then see if the button appears. Sometimes I do this when the site is still loading and I don't get my submisison button.

Try different platforms, IE, Chrome, Firefox...
Tango Apr 27 '11
sorry i worked the issue out my self seems the Installed Plugins by default with Softaculous dont seem to be set right i removed all Installed Plugins and then readded all Available Plugins
and the issue seem to of sorted its self there was some type of issue with just about every plugin that was enabled by default so removed all and readded try doing that if ur haveing issues with the wall/newsfeed delete the newsfeed and readd it see if it works for you lot as well :)
The Forum post is edited by Tango Apr 27 '11
Den Team
Den Apr 28 '11
There was some javascript error. In this case you are able to detect this error with frirebug.